Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Abany Park


This week our prayer focus is on the community area of Albany Park.  Albany Park is on the Northwest side of Chicago.  The area includes the neighborhoods of Mayfair, North Mayfair, Ravenswood Manor and Albany Park where it derives its name. The neighborhood of Albany Park is one of the most ethnically diverse not just in Chicago but in our whole country.  According to Wikipedia, "it has one of the highest percentages of foreign-born residents of neighborhoods in Chicago." 

There are a number of nationalities represented in the Albany Park community, over 40 languages are spoken in the public schools. There is even part of Albany Park that is known as the Korea town of Chicago.  It is a commercial district for many Korean shops and a section of Lawrence Avenue was officially nicknamed Seoul Drive by the City of Chicago.  

I love reading about and seeing first hand the diversity in the city.  The uniqueness of the different cultures that make up sections of our city is so fun to observe and experience.  I am amazed at the creativity of our God.  I am so thankful to Him for the nations that are represented here in Chicago. Understanding the different cultures in our world and loving people from all parts of the globe has expanded my perspective of the world and my part in it. God is so big! I once again am reminded that God is giving us, in cities, a tool to finish the great commission.  Where else can we continually rub shoulders with people from all over our world except in cities like Chicago?

Please join me in engaging with people from all walks of life, and praying that as we do we can impact each person with the love of Christ!  Pray for Albany Park that there will be a unity among believers to reach out to their neighbors and share the hope that they have. Thanks for praying! 

Next week:  North Park

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Muslims in Chicago

This week, instead of focusing on a specific neighborhood in Chicago I thought it would be great if we could pray for the many Muslims in our city.  There are nearly 70 mosques in the Chicagoland area, two-thirds of which are within the city limits.  In the area of the city I live, I see people that have a Muslim faith on a daily basis.  Tomorrow is the beginning of Ramadan, an important 30-day period of Islamic observance. As Muslims in Chicago start this 30 days of fasting and prayer, let's pray that God breaks through and shows them the truth about Jesus.


Two weeks ago I had a chance to have dinner with a YWAMer from Iraq.  He started talking a bit about what his fellow Christians in Iraq were going through at the hands of ISIS.  As he talked, tears filled his eyes as he hurt for them.  We also talked a bit about how some of the terrorists were having visions and coming to know Jesus as Savior.  I have heard a lot of stories of Muslim people coming to Jesus because of visions or dreams.  Pray that God uses dreams and visions to show Muslim's his love for them and the victory we have in Jesus!   

We at YWAM will have teams out over the next month speaking to people and sharing our faith. Pray that God opens up opportunities for us to share and pray with them.  We, time and again, have opportunities to pray for Muslims in our neighborhood.  Pray that God answers their prayers in such a way that they realize who He is!

Thanks so much for praying for Chicago.  I know God is at work through our prayers!!  Have a blessed week!  

Next week: Albany Park

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

West Englewood

  • I just got back from some traveling and am excited to be back in the city. I can tell that Chicago is ready for summer and gearing up for all the fun that comes with it. Add to it that the Blackhawks are in the Stanley Cup finals and Chicago is pumped up right now! It's a fun place to be for sure. Thanks so much for reading this and taking the time to pray for the city of Chicago. This week we are focusing on a neighborhood close to my heart, West Englewood. West Englewood is on the southwest side of Chicago. 
  • Every Thursday for many years I would go to West Englewood and help out at an elementary school there.  I loved everyone I got to know and grew a heart for the area.  I decided for this week to ask one of the people from West Englewood what we should pray for.  Dr Ngonzi Crushshon grew up in the area and is working there to reach out to kids in the neighborhood.  These are her prayer requests.
  • Kids from the school where I used to volunteer.
    "Please pray for resources and assistance (needed services for children and families to meet basic/essential needs: safety, food, shelter/housing).  Also, pray for state funding to trickle/pour down into agencies and communities to benefit those who need it most.  To reopen mental health centers, hospitals and crisis centers for suicidal youth to receive help they need. Lastly, pray for our schools, teachers, principals, education reform and for REAL education to take place in schools.
  • We have some praise reports: we are still here transforming children's and family's lives despite the odds. I'm also transforming mindsets and thinking in Chicago public schools doing peace circles.  Helping youth to think through everyday challenges in their homes and communities.  How to resolve conflict using words and critical thinking versus using weapons and fighting/using hands/violence. Lots of children and teens are benefiting from this eye opening experience.  We are teaching and reminding children to practice acts of kindness, to give hugs, to share, how to express how they feel (emotions) using "I" statements and how to cope with multiple stressors as young as Kindergarten through 8th grade.  We are teaching coping skills and healthy ways to release anger, sadness, etc."
  • Please lift up Ngonzi and others like her who are reaching out and hoping to transform their neighborhood.  We often hear the stories of the south side of Chicago and the gangs and violence that come out of those areas.  I believe we need more workers like Ngonzi that have a heart for places like West Englewood.  Pray that God would raise up godly men and women to do just that!  Thanks for reading today!  Blessings!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Washington Park

I want to start this new post by apologizing.  I haven't been able to post for a while because the YWAM base has been having some internet issues leading up to my trip to Jamaica.  My hope was to set up the posts to still upload every Wednesday but wasn't able to with no internet. I should know how to post from my phone but haven't figured that out quite yet. Sorry for that. I hope you all were still lifting up Chicago in your prayers even though I wasn't able to blog about it.

This week the prayer focus is on the community of Washington Park.  Washington Park is on the south side of Chicago and includes the neighborhoods of Washington Park, The Robert Taylor Homes and Englewood.  It gets it's name from the 372 acre park located on the west side of the community.  Washington Park has been in the news as of late because it is one of the proposed locations for the Obama Presidential Library.  It is expected to be announced in May which location the Obamas have chosen.  It was the proposed site of the Olympic Stadium and Olympic Aquatics Center in Chicago's unsuccessful bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics. It is also home to the DuSable Museum of African American History.

With all that has been happening with Ferguson and currently in Baltimore, it is evident that racial issues continue to be prominent in our country.  Washington Park is 97% African American and it includes and is surrounded by smaller neighborhoods that have gone through notable and often turbulent racial transitions.  We need to prayerfully come together and strive toward understanding and unity among us as believers to make a change. For me, gaining understanding in racial issues meant putting myself in situations where I could learn from those dealing with racial prejudice first hand.  As I got to know and ultimately love my African American brothers and sisters in Christ, my perspective changed and understanding followed.  I have and continue to learn from my friends.  That is my hope for racial issues in our country, that we can come together to learn and seek change. Please pray for the neighborhood of Washington Park and for unity among racially diverse people.  

Thanks again for praying for our city!  Next week: West Englewood

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happy Birthday Chicago!

The city of Chicago was incorporated on Saturday, March 4, 1837 making today its 178th birthday! In light of this I though the city as a whole could be our prayer focus this week.  

Chicago started as a city by a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed. It has grown to be the third largest city in the United States and ranks seventh in the world in the 2014 Global Cities Index. The city itself has 2.7 million residents with 9.5 million calling the surrounding metropolitan area or Chicagoland home. (wikipedia)

"Chicago is an international hub for finance, commerce, industry, technology, telecommunications, and transportation, with O'Hare International Airport being the busiest airport in the world."[10] In 2012, Chicago broke an all time record of the number of visitors to the city with 46.37 million international and domestic visitors.

Chicago is a great city with an enormous amount of influence in our world today.  Chicago's influence has not always been positive but certainly has the potential to be especially if we as believers step up to make an impact.  Pray that the believers throughout the Chicagoland area will enter all spheres of influence in our society whether it is education, government, entertainment, business or others. Pray that as they enter these spheres that they would bring about change for the good! We need God fearing individuals to be the ones setting the tone for how our city runs and influences all the people that come through our area and others around the world.  

I have such hope for our city! What an incredible gift God has given us with Chicago and all it has to offer! Please keep praying for her, we have so much work that has to be done in the lives and hearts of people here! Happy Birthday my dear Chicago! Thanks for celebrating with me today and for reading!  Have a great week!

Next week: Washington Park (for sure next week!!)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Near West Side

Thanks for joining me today to intentionally pray for the city of Chicago.  I missed a post last week because of a busy schedule, for that I am sorry.  My goal is to still post every Wednesday.

United Center with Near West Side in the background.
This week the focus is on the Near West Side community. This is the area next to the Loop in downtown, west of the Chicago River.  Some of the areas within this community are Fulton River District, Greektown, Little Italy, Illinois Medical District and University Village. There you will find the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and several hospitals. It is also the home of companies like Boeing and Oprah’s Harpo Studios and the home of the United Center where the Bulls and Blackhawks play.  It also has an interesting history in that the Great Chicago Fire started in this area.

The Near West Side Community has so much within it that we could focus on in prayer.  There is one thing I have felt like we should pray about for this area, the Medical District.  This area is one of the largest medical districts in the US and the largest in Illinois.  Some of the hospitals are John H Stroger Hospital (formerly Cook County Hospital), University of Illinois Medical Center and Rush University Medical Center.  There are also a lot of colleges that train medical professionals.

John H Stroger Hospital
 We all know people that are struggling with health in one way or another, some that I know are literally battling for their lives.  I am marked by the fact that this area in the city must have great influence within the medical community.  I am sure that medical advancements are happening every day.  Pray that God would use the men and women here to meet the needs of many and that he would give them wisdom and creativity to know how to handle the tough cases.  I am also praying that the people in these hospitals and medical centers would know God and see Him as the Great Healer.  Pray that the believers in these places would be able to share about God’s love and compassion with those dealing with all kinds of illnesses and diseases.  I am so encouraged by the people I know that work in the medical field.  Their jobs are not always easy but are so important.  If you know specific people in the medical field, pray for them today too!

Thanks again for joining me.  I am so encouraged knowing that we are unified in praying for this great city.  Blessings on your week!

Next week:  Washington Park

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

West Town

For this week's prayer focus I wanted to go to a different area of the city since we've been focused on the far North side the last three weeks.  West Town is the community to the Northwest of the Loop in the downtown of Chicago, west of the Chicago river.  It's an area I really didn't know much about but have had fun researching the area and even got to spend yesterday afternoon there praying over this community.

West Town is made up of very distinct neighborhoods.  Some of them are East Village, River West, Noble Square, Ukrainian Village and Wicker Park.  The area used to be known as Polish Downtown with Division Street called Polish Broadway.  Immigrants coming from Poland accelerated during and after World War II, with an estimated 150,000 coming.  Polish Americans now make up 6.7% of Chicago's population.  Polish is the third largest spoken language in Chicago after English and Spanish.  (Wikipedia)

Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church
Built in 1899-2003
There were two things that I prayed for as I walked and traveled around West Town and I'd love for you to focus on them as well. The first is that I was once again reminded that the world is represented here in the city.  I loved seeing all the diversity in this area as well.  I saw a few beautiful old Cathedrals built by Russian, Ukrainian and Polish immigrants.  Just looking at all the Polish immigrants that came you can see what a huge impact they have had on our city. Please join me in thanking God for this wonderful gift of diversity and all the cultures and peoples that it brings.  Pray also that we would utilize it for His good and it would stop being something that divides us.

The second thing I prayed was for the working class in this area. As I drove around I saw many businesses and factories.  I was marked by thinking how the working class has helped make Chicago what it is today.  I also prayed against a sense of hopelessness.  Pray that the hard workers in Chicago would be blessed in their work and by their families and friends around them.  Pray that God would show himself real to them and give them great hope.

Skyline from West Town yesterday!

Thanks again for joining me in praying for our great city.  I am loving praying intentionally like this. I think I love the city even more!

Next week: Near West Side