Wednesday, June 3, 2015

West Englewood

  • I just got back from some traveling and am excited to be back in the city. I can tell that Chicago is ready for summer and gearing up for all the fun that comes with it. Add to it that the Blackhawks are in the Stanley Cup finals and Chicago is pumped up right now! It's a fun place to be for sure. Thanks so much for reading this and taking the time to pray for the city of Chicago. This week we are focusing on a neighborhood close to my heart, West Englewood. West Englewood is on the southwest side of Chicago. 
  • Every Thursday for many years I would go to West Englewood and help out at an elementary school there.  I loved everyone I got to know and grew a heart for the area.  I decided for this week to ask one of the people from West Englewood what we should pray for.  Dr Ngonzi Crushshon grew up in the area and is working there to reach out to kids in the neighborhood.  These are her prayer requests.
  • Kids from the school where I used to volunteer.
    "Please pray for resources and assistance (needed services for children and families to meet basic/essential needs: safety, food, shelter/housing).  Also, pray for state funding to trickle/pour down into agencies and communities to benefit those who need it most.  To reopen mental health centers, hospitals and crisis centers for suicidal youth to receive help they need. Lastly, pray for our schools, teachers, principals, education reform and for REAL education to take place in schools.
  • We have some praise reports: we are still here transforming children's and family's lives despite the odds. I'm also transforming mindsets and thinking in Chicago public schools doing peace circles.  Helping youth to think through everyday challenges in their homes and communities.  How to resolve conflict using words and critical thinking versus using weapons and fighting/using hands/violence. Lots of children and teens are benefiting from this eye opening experience.  We are teaching and reminding children to practice acts of kindness, to give hugs, to share, how to express how they feel (emotions) using "I" statements and how to cope with multiple stressors as young as Kindergarten through 8th grade.  We are teaching coping skills and healthy ways to release anger, sadness, etc."
  • Please lift up Ngonzi and others like her who are reaching out and hoping to transform their neighborhood.  We often hear the stories of the south side of Chicago and the gangs and violence that come out of those areas.  I believe we need more workers like Ngonzi that have a heart for places like West Englewood.  Pray that God would raise up godly men and women to do just that!  Thanks for reading today!  Blessings!!

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